Insuring Older Homes: Pros, Cons, and Tips for Effective Coverage
At H. Dean Allison Insurance, we take pleasure in offering comprehensive insurance coverage for a wide array of homes throughout the Altoona, PA area. From single-family homes and duplexes to condos, large estates, farmhouses, and properties within gated communities, we provide custom insurance solutions to suit your unique needs. If you own or are considering purchasing an older home, it pays to be aware of some of the benefits and drawbacks of insuring such properties.
Advantages of Insuring an Older Home in Pennsylvania
Many older homes in the Altoona area are superbly crafted and constructed from quality, durable materials and have withstood our region’s demanding winters and hot summers. They often incorporate enhancements such as upgraded insulation, refurbished flooring, and modernized plumbing systems.
Challenges of Insuring an Older Home
On the other hand, insuring older homes comes with its own set of challenges. These homes often host aging roofs and could feature outdated wiring. Certain elements of older homes might not even meet current building codes.
Saving on Insurance for Your Older Home
If you own or intend to buy an older home, there are several steps you can take to ascertain affordable home insurance. Consider upgrading plumbing and electrical systems or investing in a new roof. In addition, installing safety and security enhancements like alarms, cameras, and outdoor lighting can significantly reduce your insurance premium.
Getting an Insurance Quote for Your Older Home
If you’re in the process of purchasing an older home and subsequently applying for a mortgage, your lender will require you to secure home insurance. However, it’s your responsibility to choose an insurer that’s well-equipped to understand your needs and offer comprehensive coverage. If you own a home in Altoona, PA, we encourage you to discuss your insurance requirements with us at H. Dean Allison Insurance.
We look forward to helping you get a no-obligation quote.